A key part of our Sunday worship service comes when we join our voices in praising the Lord. "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!" (Psalm 95:1). The congregation is led in singing by the Worship Team.
Members of the Worship Team use their vocal or instrumental gifts to lead the congregation in praise, giving considerable time to "singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs" (Colossians 3:16). The Team learns new songs in monthly rehearsals and holds a rehearsal each Sunday morning before the service.
The aim is that we might "play skillfully" (Psalm 33:3) and be "trained in singing to the LORD" (1 Chronicles 25:7) so that together we might "ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name" (Psalm 96:8).
If you have vocal and/or instrumental ability and are wondering whether you might serve on the Worship Team, please inquire! We will ask about your background and arrange an informal audition.
Contact: Rob Vaughn - ravaughn78@gmail.com.