Our Elders

As a particular church within the Bible Fellowship Church denomination, we believe that the role of elder is one of two offices in the church expressly stated in the New Testament. Elders are given the task to rule and oversee the life of God's church. In the book of Hebrews the seriousness of the call to serve as an elder is highlighted when Paul writes in Hebrews 13:17, "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you." For this reason, the Elders at CBFC take seriously their calling and role in God's church knowing they will give an account. Our elders desire to exercise leadership in a way that promotes unity and holiness amongst God's people. 

  • rob vaughn

    One of the founding elders of CBFC, Rob serves as worship leader and teacher. He and Angela have three grown children and 10 grandchildren. He is news anchor at WFMZ-TV and is a graduate of Biblical (now Missio) Seminary. 

  • andy curry

    An elder since 2018, he serves with his lovely wife Andrea, and their 5 children.  During the week Andy works in the mechanical engineering field.  He has been co-leading the youth group since 2011 and enjoys coaching soccer, playing soccer, skiing, hunting, anything outdoors, and spending time with his family.  Andy is passionate about clearly presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Bible teaching, and is grateful to speak at several youth retreats and camps in the area.

  • Andrew Detweiler

    Andrew has been actively attending Community Bible Fellowship Church with his wife since 2010. He is married and has three daughters. During the week Andrew works for an insurance agency as a business insurance broker. Andrew has been co-leading the youth group since 2011 and enjoys ATV'ing, golf, skiing and spending time with his family. Andrew's favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."


    mike meadows

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  • mike ROHL

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